Friday 13 June 2014

Different brands of smokes?

Hi there, this is your lovely Marcus once again. I am now going talk about something i had consult my smoker friends about. He told me one of the main problem of smoking is different brand of cigarette. It is a bit weird on why he commented that. Then i ask him again, isnt every smoke look the same and taste the same?
The answer i gotten was rather harsh i say. He went up in rage and say different brand has different taste. It differs between the tobacco level. Take for example, Camel. Camel is a strong cigarette and if any first time smoker smokes it, the person will experience giddiness and slight nausea as the body is not adapted to tobacco.
Another example, Marlboro. Marlboro has many different flavor by itself. Marlboro Menthol has a smoothing and cooling taste compared to the original one. Marlboro Reds is harsh and may cause sore throats in new smoker.
Thats something new to know to us as non-smoker.
Signing off,

History of smoking

Hi there, this is Marcus again. I think Aliff has done a great job in posting many several good details and now i have absolutely no idea what i can contribute to this blog now. I think as for this post we will side track a bit by telling how smoking even started.
I came across this website and it is very detail :

This explain briefly how people started smoking. You can click on the link to see more. Or... if you are feeling lazy i can summaries it for you.

It seems that the Mayan Indians of Mexico carved drawings in stone showing tobacco use somewhere between 600 to 900 A.D. Tobacco was grown by American Indians before the Europeans. Native Americans smoked tobacco through a pipe for special religious and medical purposes and they did not smoke everyday. 

To say it briefing, smoking was never used for recreation and leisure purpose as it was now. Some thinking thoughts?

Signing off, 

Thursday 12 June 2014

How many (male) people smoke in the world?

Currently in Singapore, around 35%-55% of males are smoking........
Knowing the goverment, they are making efforts to reduce that percentage.

That is all~ Aliff Hasbi

How much smoking could harm yourself?

So how many parts of your body can be harmed bgn smoking?, this is how much........

So, stay safe and don't smoke!

That is all ~ Aliff Hasbi


Wednesday 11 June 2014

Cold turkey or gradual?

Many people would ask if it was better to just go cold turkey (abruptly just quit smoking) or just gradually decrease the amount of smoking of cigarettes, they both have their advantages and their disadvantages and whatever the method depends on the person.........

Going cold turkey means that you abruptly and totally give up the habit. On Friday you were smoking, but on Saturday you are not. The benefits of this method include the immediate success of stopping, getting a quick and dramatic start, and avoiding thinking about the nasty habit and its temptation. The downsides are the lack of preparation when not smoking (Now what do I do instead of smoke?) and the withdrawal symptoms from nicotine absence. Sudden withdrawal from extensive smoking (several packs a day) can prove dangerous, especially among those with pre-existing medical conditions. 

Gradual withdrawal, by contrast, means that you gradually reduce the amount of smoking over time or by using a nicotine replacement system, such as a patch, nasal spray, or gum. Smokers either change their cigarette brands each week to ones containing progressively less nicotine and tar or reduce the number of cigarettes gradually each day or two. The benefits of this method include easing into quitting, giving yourself time and practice to quit, and allowing your body to grow accustomed to lower doses of nicotine, thereby reducing unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. The downsides are that it takes a little longer to quit and that some folks may find it difficult to stop altogether using fading. 

So, if you were to decide not to smoke, which method would you choose?

That is all ~ Aliff Hasbi


What's inside a roll of cigarette?

Have you ever wondered what's inside a roll of cigarettes?, simply put, there are many (potentially) harmful ingredients that are out to get your body.......

Are you really smoking a simple cigarette or a death stick that takes many years to kill you?...........

That is all ~ Aliff Hasbi

Goofy says "No Smoking!!!"

Now this is interesting, This 1951 Disney cartoon titled "No Smoking" stars Goofy (who is playing as George Geef) and his attempts to kick his habit of smoking, shame that didn't go so well......

This also shows bait of how nicotine came into the Americas, so that's a bit of history there.........

           That is all ~ Aliff Hasbi