Tuesday 10 June 2014

Updates from Denmark

Hi there, lovely readers who will want to read this piece of blog which we put in lots of effort to keep it from dying. This is yours truly, Marcus.
I think i had judged a bit too much when I said Denmark is smoke free. I realised the only place is smoke free in Denmark is the country side. I went to Thy which is a country side far up north and I never seen anyone smoking for that past 1 week of stay. The air is very fresh.
However the moment i went to Arhus, the second biggest city of Denmark, i saw lots of people smoking just anywhere. Bins are located near and cigarette butts were properly disposed off. This is probably one of the good part. The air is still rather fresh but it cannot be compared with Thy.
The worst I encountered is Copenhagen. I can feel that the air is filled with smoke the moment I step out from the train. My cough got bad to worst. Probably readers will have other opinion? Give us a reply or anything.
 Signing off. This is one of the train i took.

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